Thursday, February 01, 2007
(10:32 AM) | Amish Lovelock:
Bad(iou) Cover
Given the most welcome revival of Adam's infamous Continuum cover's post provided by Anthony over at Long Sunday I thought it would be nice to comment on this little number. Yes, it's a metallic ostrich; a couple of stars on its cap. Actually this could be a hark back to Polity's grand age of the The Great Continental Sociology Book - an age in which the ideologies of the ostrich were locking necks in fury rather then burying their heads in the sand. The Great Continental Sociology Book would usualy have a super-professionally blocked-in title and then a small reprinted Klimt or Klee. This is just Tate Modern. Do I remember correctly reading in an interview somewhere that this book was published originally as a French/English dual language edition? Oh! and this cover also reminded me of this:
Actually, it's not really a bad cover, I'm full of old woof, and one would look perfectly alright reading it on Eurostar.