Sunday, February 04, 2007
(8:29 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Navel Gazing (NOW WITH VIDEO)
In the last week, The Weblog's average number of visits per day shot up from around 300 to over 800. During that time, Brad wrote a very good post and I wrote a funny one, but the content of this blog mainly consisted of rehashing old arguments, to the tune of about 400 comments (not counting the 100 or so comments to other threads that fell within the same broad argument). I wrote another post that attempted to be substantive, but I sullied its substance by ranting and raving about how someone had violated my one rule of blogger ethics: viz., "It's just a blog."This is the kind of shit that gets us vastly more traffic. It just confirms my general rule of thumb: more stupid == more visits.
But seriously, blogging can be a valuable means of professionalization for academics.
At the request of the Constructivist, my favorite Mooninite-oriented episode of Aqua Teen:
Also, since this is Official Video Day here at The Weblog, a brilliant performance by the love of my life, Feist:
Those eager for a comment war are welcome to try to replicate an Unfogged-style "hot or not" thread based on Feist. (I'll start: "I mean, yeah, I'd totally do her, but she's not, like, hot...")