Wednesday, June 07, 2006
(9:54 PM) | Anonymous:
Translation Assignments
So I've split up the short piece we're all going to translate. I tried to do it the most egalitarian but some people will have more work to do than others.John R. - Paragraphs 1-2
Matthew - Paragraph 3
Myself - Paragraphs 4-5
Craig - Paragraph 6
Matt - Paragraphs 7-9
John Emerson - Paragraph 10
Adam - Paragraphs 11-12
For editing purposes we've thought it would be best if each person was responsible for the set of paragraphs above and below their own. For example, this means that John R. would need to look over Matthew's and Adam's translation and comment on it. Having three people on each paragraph should help keep the thing uniform and create a better overall translation.
We'll be using Writely for the project (see Adam for an invite).
Any questions?