Wednesday, May 11, 2005
(9:55 AM) | Adam Kotsko:
Academic Free Speech
An adjunct professor at SMU has been fired because of a blog in which she told stories about the academic life, "warts and all." That's why I'm glad that I currently attend a school with no problems at all, and I'm sure that I will also get a job adjunct teaching/cab driving at an institution characterized by academic excellence and a healthy camaraderie among students and faculty of all backgrounds.UPDATE: Our troll friend apparently posted a couple things under Ralph Luker's name, and in the flood of comments, I didn't notice. Ralph brought it to my attention, and I deleted the offending comments and blocked (for the hundredth time) the offending person. So as of this writing, we have to settle for 259 instead of 263. I apologize to Ralph for letting someone hijack his name.